Earlier this month we shared the story of how 2020 KAR President Marsha McConnell became involved with the Kansas Association of REALTORS® (KAR). She sees involvement and leadership as a way to learn more about the industry. This week we’re sharing the story of Natalie Moyer, with ReeceNichols South Central Kansas in Wichita. She is currently the KAR President Elect and will go on to be the 2021 KAR President. Natalie has found her involvement not only meshes with her personal interests, but also helps pave the way for the future of real estate.
Natalie defines herself as a political junkie. Getting involved in governmental affairs and the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) marries her love of politics and real estate. Before Natalie served on a committee, she completed the Right Track Leadership Academy in 2013 and attended the 2013 KAR Annual Conference.
“I remember at one of the first conferences I went to another, much more seasoned REALTOR®, Sue Wenger, was going into an RPAC [Trustees] meeting. I asked her what that was about and she said, “Come in and sit down.”
Unbeknownst to Natalie, the committee was going to elect a representative from, at the time, the Wichita Area Association. As they were looking for nominations Sue said, “Well, I would nominate Natalie Moyer.”
Natalie went into the meeting curious to learn more about the committee and left as a 2014 RPAC Trustee.
“[…] you never know when your time is going to come, but you just have to jump in. I do this because I want REALTORS® to continue to be of value in the future. My daughter is a sophomore at KU. I think she may want to do this and I want to make sure this is still a strong, viable profession, that we’re not replaced with an app. That’s why I do this. And I love what I do,” said Natalie.
So, is now YOUR time? Check out the committee descriptions to see what interests you. But don’t delay submitting your application, the submission deadline is June 1, 2020.