The Ninja Selling philosophy and system have had a significant impact on numerous real estate professionals, teams, and brokerages nationwide. It is based upon the practices of the licensees under the supervision of a native Kansan, real estate broker Larry Kendall of Fort Collins, Colorado. His vision of a truly relationship-based customer service approach was translated into closed transaction per agent numbers that gained him national recognition.
After offering the Ninja Selling course on multiple occasions to audiences exceeding two hundred people per event, KAR hosted the first Ninja Summit in Overland Park, Kansas, in 2006, drawing REALTORS® from more than twenty-five states, including Hawaii. Earlier that year I had the honor of being a guest at the Kendall residence and working directly with Larry Kendall in the planning process. He was brilliant to say the least and spoke very openly about the thoughts and emotions behind the Ninja concept. Three ideas in particular continue to resonate:
1. Become a true expert of your craft. Never stop learning.
2. Read the research that is out there. NAR is one of the great resources for valuable information, such as surveys about what buyers and sellers want.
3. Stay in the flow with your clients. Follow up with them systematically and continue to provide information that is of unique value to them. Maintaining relationships and delivering continuous value is critical.
This is great advice not only regarding your interaction with clients, but also for your overall approach to your business. The KAR Conference is October 7-9 at the Wichita Marriott. It’s a perfect opportunity to:
1. Sharpen your skill and expand your perspective.
2. Learn what recent research has revealed about the national and state markets and consumer needs.
3. Stay in the flow with your colleagues and friends from around the state. Some of the best information is exchanged over a cup of coffee.
Invest in your business. Invest in yourself. We look forward to seeing you there!