Fragmentation or Connection

Global warming is a concern that is brought to our attention almost daily by a range of agencies and organizations.  While both experts and citizens in general disagree on the causes and implications of this phenomenon, very few would argue that it is important to take care of the environment in which we live.  However, there is another global phenomenon that also merits our attention.  It is perhaps not as easily detected, and while it may not appear to be as immediately threatening, it could be argued that it significantly impacts our lives every day, affecting everything from the nature of personal and professional communication, to our  relationships, to the evening news.  It is the phenomenon of fragmentation.  Stated simply, things are broken into smaller pieces. We are often seeking information in smaller segments today through Google and other sources, and we are also communicating in smaller segments through text messaging and social media.  These tools are powerful and valuable without question, but we can unknowingly be drifting away from more cohesive and connected communication and thinking.  Things are becoming fragmented.

Thankfully, REALTORS® by nature and training are all about connections.  They connect their clients to the range of resources they need.  They provide more than information.  They provide knowledge.  Additionally, REALTORS® connect with each other. The REALTOR® Association provides great opportunities to counter the phenomenon of fragmentation, to strengthen connections and communicate in meaningful ways. It is through sustained discussion that the best ideas surface. Face-to-face communication provides an opportunity to put things into a context.  It’s the exchange of knowledge, not simply the pursuit of information. It could be said that everyone is a search engine. We all have different interests and backgrounds, as well as many things in common. Some of the most valuable ideas turn out to be the ones we weren’t even consciously looking for.

Don’t pass up opportunities to network.  Attend REALTOR® events at the local, state, and national levels.  They are populated with human search engines! Everyone is truly busy, but missing an association event is an opportunity lost.   Come and see what your fellow search engines have found.

Rod McIntyre, Ph.D.
KAR Staff

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