The Greatest Challenge Ahead? | REAL Trends

Are regulatory changes a bigger threat than technological advances? by Steve Murray, publisher Most say technological change is the greatest threat to brokerage. Perhaps. What we see as possibly the greatest challenge may be in the regulatory … [Read more...]

The Secret to Dominating the Real Estate Industry | REAL Trends

By Kristen MacDonald, content specialist for Lone Wolf Real Estate Technologies You spent the majority of the first 20 years of your life in some form of a classroom, trying to cram as much knowledge as possible to get prepared for the real world. … [Read more...]

Lead Generation vs. Lead Capture | REAL Trends

Digital marketing can help you generate and capture leads. By Paul Salley, marketing strategist One of the core lifelines in any real estate business is a steady and reliable source of leads. My role at REAL Trends consists of analyzing how … [Read more...]

The Unbalanced Housing Market | REAL Trends

Some interesting notes about today’s housing market based on REAL Trends research. By Steve Murray, publisher The homeownership rate for Generation X and the Millennials is 6 to 8 percent below historical norms according to several … [Read more...]

Turning Your Leads Funnel Upside Down | Real Trends

The ability to target a specific audience with a message equips marketers with an effective approach to pinpoint marketing. By Paul Salley, marketing strategist Many real estate professionals are familiar with a farming technique or lead … [Read more...]

Stop Selling; Start Solving | Real Trends

Don’t try to answer someone’s prayers until you know what they are praying for. By Larry Kendall, chairman of The Group, Inc. and author of Ninja Selling Most salespeople have been taught the traditional three-step sales presentation: 1. Make … [Read more...]

Do Your Associates Have the No. 1 Skill? | Real Trends

Teach your agents how to negotiate. By Larry Kendall, chairman of The Group, Inc. and author of Ninja Selling Have you seen the latest National Association of Realtors® (NAR) survey? Eighty-nine percent of buyers and sellers rate negotiation as … [Read more...]

How to Successfully Use Facebook to Market Your Brokerage | Real Trends

Social media marketing is vital to your brokerage’s success. by Paul Salley, marketing strategist Want to recruit more agents? Get your brokerage’s listings noticed? Then social media, particularly Facebook Marketing, should be considered a … [Read more...]

The Housing Collapse: The Big Short | Real Trends

Some thoughts about the movie, the real story and why it matters today. by Steve Murray, publisher First, what a movie, great acting, and storyline. It is worth watching. It makes it look like it was only greedy bankers, regulators, and … [Read more...]

Fifth Year of the Housing Recovery | REAL Trends

Trends in the recovery of the housing market. by Steve Murray, publisher 2015 was a great year. Unit sales are going to end up showing growth in the high- single digits at the end of the year, and the average prices of homes sold will show … [Read more...]

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