Tips for Working with Clients | Capitol Federal®

Capitol FederalBeing able to help customers requires you to stay in touch with what’s happening in the world, your trade and your local market.  With the usage of the Internet and phone apps, information is readily available, but how do you stay up to date on the things that matter most to you and your clients when your time is limited?

Research websites and apps that allow you to tailor the information in which you are specifically interested.  Try “Zite”, a mobile phone app, that allows you to choose the articles and topics of interest you would like to review.  Another place to organize your information is by downloading “FeedDemon” (, which will keep you informed on the latest news and information, allowing you to tag keywords to items of interest.  When FeedDemon recognizes the keywords, it will alert you to an article you may want to read.  Check out, which has popular playlists of motivational ideas from real people who will inspire you and others – find something good and share the link with people you think would enjoy positive thinking.

Still looking for more ideas?  Go to and search for apps according to things that are of interest to you or to share with your clients.  You also can just go to the app store (Android devices have their own as well) and search for apps according to your interest.  Visit the twitter account @TopAppChart to follow on Twitter to learn when apps go on sale.  It’s always nice when you can get an app on sale or during a time when they offer it for free.  If you have other ideas, share with your friends.  It’s important to stay informed, and your clients will appreciate your knowledge and your thoughtfulness in sharing information with them.

Provided by our friends at Capitol Federal

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