Kansas Association of REALTORS® Announces Statewide Partnership To Reduce Hunger

The kitchen is considered the hearth and heart of a home; it is the hub where family and friends gather to share each other’s company over a meal. For many Kansans, however, the kitchen is also a source of stress. Stress about not having enough food to feed the family. The Kansas Association of REALTORS® is pleased to announce a statewide partnership with the Kansas Food Bank, Harvesters, and Second Harvest to reduce the burden of food insecurity and hunger for Kansans.

According to Kansas Health Matters, food insecurity impacts nearly 13% of Kansans. Food insecurity is having limited or uncertain availability to nutritious foods. Although poverty and unemployment can lead to food insecurity, other causes include living in a food desert (an area with no or limited access to resources like stores with fresh vegetables). Food insecurity can lead to significant chronic health problems for adults, including diabetes, heart disease, and depression. For children, it can lead to higher rates of hospitalization and social issues that impact their ability to succeed at home and at school.

“Nearly 400,000 Kansas households feel the impact of hunger, every day,” said Steve LaRue, President of the Kansas Association of REALTORS® and a Lawrence REALTOR®. “The Kansas Association of REALTORS® has 10,000 members who serve every corner of Kansas. Our members are dedicated and engaged citizens in their communities and we are challenging ourselves to make a difference. We want every kitchen, in every household, to have meals with enough for everyone, every day.”

Assisting with this ambitious goal is the Kansas Food Bank, one of three food banks that serve Kansas. The Kansas Food Bank will coordinate Kansas REALTOR® donations.

“Fighting hunger takes everyone in the community to come together to ensure missing meals are placed on the tables of our neighbors in need” said Brian Walker, President and CEO of the Kansas Food Bank.  “On behalf of the three food banks that serve Kansas, we want to thank the Kansas Association of REALTORS® for their work to help reduce hunger in our great state.” 

Every dollar donated can help provide up to four meals for the participating food banks. 

“All monetary donations made online will be tracked by local board affiliation and made available to food banks in, or nearest to, the member’s community,” said LaRue. “Food donations can be tracked as well. Simply tell the collection site staff or volunteers you are a REALTOR® and mention your local board or the Kansas Association of REALTORS®.”

To donate today, please visit http://www.kansasfoodbank.org/kar/

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