Four Simple Steps You Can Take To Optimize Windows 10 Performance

Windows 10 is a relatively new Operating System (OS) from Microsoft. Since Microsoft is aggressively pushing it on all their users, you may have already installed it on your computer, and we want to show you the four steps needed to keep it optimized for peak performance.

Consider these steps your PC’s “oil change” (preventive measures that should be completed every three months), which you can do at no cost!

As a REALTOR®, you may spend more time on the computer than the average computer user (MLS research, property research, appraisal sites, Google, etc.), and your computer is storing and processing lots of data. Periodic maintenance will ensure optimal performance.

Even if you just installed Windows 10, keep your computer running smoothly by following these steps:

1. Clear The Browser

Clearing out the cache, cookies and temporary internet files, will help speed up your internet browsing and also free up some space on your machine. Below are the steps to clear Edge, Microsoft’s new browser. If you are using any other browser, such as Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or Safari, feel free to contact Tech Helpline for instructions on how to clean those browsers.

  • Turn on your computer and open Edge.
  • Once it’s open, select the More Actions button, which is located at the top, right side of the browser screen and looks like an ellipsis.
    More Options Screenshot
  • When the menu opens, click on Settings.Settings Screenshot
  • This will open a new menu. Scroll down to the Clear Browsing Data section and click on the button Choose What To Clear.
    choose what to clear screenshot
  • Select Cookies and Saved Website Data as well as Cache Data and Files. After both options are selected, click on the Clear button.
    Clear Screenshot

2. Remove Old Documents And Files

Take the time to go through your documents’ folder. Save a backup of what you need and delete files that you no longer need. (You will be surprised at how many unnecessary files you will find!)

3. Run A Malware Scan

Malware is the most common reason why computers run slowly; running a malware scan will remove any bugs and speed up your computer’s response time. Windows 10 has a great tool called Windows Defender. Follow these steps to use it:

  • Type Windows Defender in your taskbar’s search tool. The option will populate at the top as you type; click it to open it.
    Windows Defender Screenshot
  • Make sure Windows Defender is up to date with the latest version. Select the Update tab and click on the Update button.
    update windows defender screenshot
  • Once the update is complete, go to the Home tab. Look for the scan options on the right side, and select the Full option; then, click on the Scannow button.
    Scan Now Screenshot

(The scan time may vary depending on hard drive capacity, RPM speed, and if threats are found.)

4. Defragment The Hard Disk

After you have cleared the internet browser cache and files, removed old personal files, and cleared any possible malware threats, perform a Disk Defragment. Defragmenting improves your system’s performance. Here is how to run it manually.

  • Type Defragment and Optimize Drives in your task bar’s search tool. The option will populate at the top as you type; click on it to open it.
    Defragment and Optimize Drives Screenshot
  • Once it opens, click on the Optimize button.
    optimize button screenshot

(The scan time may vary depending on hard drive capacity, and RPM speed.)

Following these steps will ensure your computer is running to the best of its abilities. If you need any assistance, remember Tech Helpline is just a call, chat or email away.

Contributions to this article were made by Marc Zayas, Tech Helpline Team.

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