How to Deal with the Booming Tablet Market

A real estate professional has an increasing amount of hardware options to choose from, and selecting one that meets your needs should be easy… right? That depends on why you’re buying a tablet. Are you going to play games, listen to music, do work, or all of the above? Does your real estate-specific software work on Android? iOS? You might find your choices are becoming overwhelming, and a majority of consumers will have similar thoughts; especially if you ever tried looking for a tablet at a ‘big box’ store.

Your choices don’t have to be so overwhelming if you ask yourself a few questions, and compare the specifications of the product you are looking to buy.

1) How am I going to use the tablet?
This should be one the first and most important questions to ask yourself. Are you going to play games? Is expandable storage important? Do you need a high definition front and back facing video camera? Do you have any proprietary software you plan on using exclusively? These questions will be answered for you depending on how you plan to use your tablet.

2) Do I need the latest hardware?
Depending on your questions answered above, your hardware needs might vary from an atom processor, to a new Tegra 3 quad core. If expandable storage is important, look for a tablet that has it. (Expandable storage on most tablets comes from SD and microSD cards.) If you plan on using the Wifi exclusively and have access to Wifi at both work and home, you should consider if the 3g package is worth the expense.

A few things to compare when tablet shopping are:
• Screen size/resolution
• Memory amount
• Processor speed
• Camera resolution • Initial storage capacity
• Expandible storage capacity
• Wifi/Bluetooth/3g connectivity
• Usb/display/hdmi connectivity

3) What OS is going to work for me?
Not all operating systems are alike, and the two most commonly used are Android (Google) and iOS (Apple). Both have a similar user interface, but the applications available to install are different. One of the newer tablet OS to grab market share is Microsoft and its Surface tablet. The windows based tablets have their own applications, and generally allow the use of flash player and java.

4) Will my Software and Hardware work on my future tablet?
There is nothing worse than bringing home your brand new tablet only to find that your applications are not supported. You can avoid this headache by contacting your MLS vendor and or your local board to figure out if the software works on a tablet. If you have hardware that only works on your desktop, it might not necessarily work on your tablet. Newer tablets, including Microsoft’s Surface tablet includes a full USB port, and will accept a USB flash drive, a mouse, a keyboard, or any other standard USB device

5) Which ‘feels’ right?
Aesthetics is no longer the most overlooked aspect of technology design. Companies are starting to realize that aesthetic value is a vital part of consumer satisfaction. You want to be happy with your purchase from day one, and part of that ‘feeling’ comes from a first impression. Seeing and using the device in a store helps give you a better feeling of the device, and quite often increases the satisfaction of your future purchase. Open applications, press the buttons, try to find where to download apps, and where your charger plugs into the device. We hope this advice can help you narrow down your results to one device that fits your needs.

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